Describe network devices and how they operate (be sure to include a hub, switch, router, server, firewall, access point, and cable modem).

In this activity, it is important you cover all the concepts in whatever method that you use to show that you remember some of the basics about networking. Make sure you review the reading material before starting. Note that this will take more than one reading source to complete. Also note that I have TurnitIn enabled.
I know that you will have some similarities on words such as the model layers, but what you will get a 0 for is copying from the internet.
USE YOUR OWN WORDS for describing how devices work.
Here are the requirements:
Describe network devices and how they operate (be sure to include a hub, switch, router, server, firewall, access point, and cable modem).
Describe the difference between the OSI and TCP/IP models.
Describe protocols within the TCP/IP model.
Describe at which layer of the TCP/IP model each network device operates.

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