Describe the land masses of the British Isles, meaning what countries comprise the British Isles and which ones are considered part of the United Kingdom

Sheet: Short Paper #1
Title of Paper: The British Isles and United Kingdom
Major Headings: Do not type the bolded Major Heading # 1, #2, #3–only indicate the heading. Headings are indicated below:
Major Heading #1: The British Isles and United Kingdom Defined
Describe the land masses of the British Isles, meaning what countries comprise the British Isles and which ones are considered part of the United Kingdom? How would you describe the land, natural resources, and food sources available?
Major Heading #2: History and Culture of the British Isles
Describe the history and culture as well as the food patterns of each country within the Isles/UK. Include the religion(s) practiced (you may have to go on line for this information) and holidays celebrated? What are several of the famous food dishes you can expect if visiting this area of the world (describe at least 5). You may use sub-headings to improve the flow of your paper and address topics you wish to add.
Heading #3: My Opinion and Curiosities
Give your opinion of the British Isles and this culture in comparison to the United States. How do those from the United States behave differently? What are some similarities besides speaking English as our first language? If you were to travel to the British Isles, what would you like to do while there, foods you would like to try, and sites you would like to see? Again, you may use sub-headings as explained above. You may use sub-headings to improve the flow of your paper and address topics you wish to add.
Include photos if you would like. Photos DO NOT count toward the page requirement for content. For instance, if your paper is 5 pages with photos, you may only have three pages of content to grade. If your paper is 3 pages with photos that take up space, you may not have met the requirements for the assignment and will lose valuable points.
Remember that this paper is 3-5 pages for content (body of the paper). This does not include the Cover Page nor the Reference Page or photos (last page). The Cover and Reference pages are not numbered.
1. All files are to be submitted as Word or .pdf documents.
2. Use 12 point font in Times Roman style.
3. Use .5 (1/2 inch) inch margins on top, bottom, and both sides.
4. Left justify the text with the right side “ragged” (not full-justification).
5. Start each new paragraph sentence with an indentation.
6. Bold major headings and indent the headings 5 spaces from the left margin. For subheadings, please Italicize the heading, indent 5 spaces additionally under the major headings.
7. Supply a separate Cover Sheet with the following information: Balanced on the page from the top and bottom: Above the official First Line, type the number of the Short Paper (Short Paper #1). First official line, center the topic of your paper (will be supplied in each short paper, always use Upper and Lower case (first letter of words are Upper, subsequent letters are lower). Double space under the title and add your first and last name in upper and lower case, again centered. Double space under your name and add the Date in this format: Month, day, year. Double space under the date and add the Term (Summer 20XX). Double space under the Term and Add the Name of the Course, HFT 2890–International Food and Culture. This page will NOT have a page number. This is page is not included in the total pages required. Total pages (no more than 5) does NOT include the Title Page nor References page.
8. Supply a separate sheet to be attached at the end of your paper titled, References (APA Style formatting). This page is not numbered.
9. You will be given the topics of each and major headings for all Short Papers. You can supply sub-headings (encouraged, but do not use to purposefully extend the paper’s length with too many). You must write at least three pages of content, but no more than five. Word will auto space, so there should be no single spacing in the document. Follow the directions, write to your CM if you have questions.
A Sample Paper Approved by the Author is provided at this link:
The sample paper has the Identifier of the Short Paper #1 on the Cover Page on the same line as the Title, we have updated the directions, so please place the number of the Short Paper above the Title on the Cover page and do not number the Reference page.
Rachel Newcomb Paper for Sample.pdf
10. Number the pages of the body of the paper. The page numbers are to be centered at the bottom of the page. Check your paper for proper spelling, grammar, and proper syntax. Points are deducted for failing to make the corrections.
11. Do not use slang such as the word, “like”, “Oh yeah”, etc. or colloquialism. You must not write as you speak, but write on a collegiate level using scholarly verbiage. Points will be deducted for failing to meet the writing criteria for each paper.
12. As stated, supply a separate Reference at the end of your paper. It is not numbered or included in the 3-5 pages of content text required.
13. Save your paper and upload the document through the portal. It will go through TurnItIn (TTI) firs

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