Describe the life cycle of stars. In your own words, briefly describe the life cycle of stars. Include information related to how scientists can determine how far away a star is.

Apply It
Describe the life cycle of stars. In your own words, briefly describe the life cycle of stars. Include information related to how scientists can determine how far away a star is. The required deliverable length for this assignment is a minimum of 250 words of meaningful content.
Submit the assignment as a Microsoft Word document using the template provided to the Unit 3 Homework Dropbox.
Employ It
Investigate astronomy related topics in the news. Many modern technological advancements are the result of space exploration, and the study of our galaxy and the universe. Things that we use every day and often take for granted, are the result of the scientific investigations in space. Find a recent article or two from a reputable news source that provides a good example of new technology that has resulted from studies in space and/or integrates one of the concepts from this unit with your chosen career field. The required deliverable length for this assignment is a minimum of 250 words of meaningful content.
Submit the assignment as a Microsoft Word document using the template provided to the Unit 3 Homework Dropbox.
Imagine It
Examine the differences between Terrestrial planets and Jovian planets. Create a PowerPoint (Between 4-6 slides; 4 slides is the minimum), brochure, or other creative endeavor that examines the differences between Terrestrial planets and Jovian planets. Include a list of Terrestrial and Jovian planets, similarities and differences between them, and any characteristics or current data collected on each planet.

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