determine the causes of the surprise and if the causes can be considered a failure of intelligence.

Topic: Choose a national security case involving strategic surprise from modern history
(since WWII) and determine the causes of the surprise and if the causes can be
considered a failure of intelligence. Do not choose Pearl Harbor, Battle of Midway, East
Africa Bombing, or 9/11, since these are studied and analyzed in the course.
Components: the paper will consist of a Title Page, Abstract, Introduction (containing
the Thesis Statement), Literature Review and Data, Analysis, Findings, and References

The Thesis Statement will declare the cause for the strategic surprise. You will
determine this after your research.
The Literature Review and data section will include a factual summary of the
strategic case. Facts only, no analysis.
The Analysis section will evaluate the cause for the strategic surprise using a set
of criteria of your choosing from the course materials (such as Dahl, Chapter 4)
Length: The Body of the paper must be at least 10 pages. This minimum requirement
does not include the Title Page, Abstract, and References section. It should be written
using New Times Roman font, 12-pt, with 1-inch margins.
Format: Current APA
Citations: at least six scholarly sources, of which at least three, should be from peer-
reviewed scholarly journals. The student should attempt to use the most current sources
available, preferably within the last five years. Of course, since this paper studies an
historical case, sources older than five years are acceptable.

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