Development of a Fall Prevention Program

Development of a Fall Prevention Program
Safety for elders is always an overriding concern for healthcare delivery agents since without a safe environment the elder will be injured and therefore their health will decline. Considering the environment and the lack of safety could potentially result in a fall. Fall prevention programs are always being developed for the safety of the elder in different environments. The following assignment will enlighten you as to the elements of a good, evidence-based fall prevention program. Instructions:
Read up about falls in a particular environment of your choosing. Develop a story about a patient: you decide the age, sex, past medical history. Once you have a background, you can start developing your prevention program now based on one of your patients/residents (granted if you pick a hospital there could be any age but remember you want to base this on an elderly person). Begin your paper with the place you choose and how it will approach the safety of the organization, then introduce the patient you have and how that person will be safer and how they will be screened in the system. You can then fill in the rest with the program you developed and how it will affect your patient and the rest of the patients in your facility.
Follow the Grading Rubric Grading Rubric – Alternative Formats as you develop this story.
Your paper should:
be 4-5 pages long, maybe longer if you want. (excluding the title page and references page) must have at least three references that are from journals that are evidence-based and peer-reviewed journal.
Cite your sources – type references according to the APA Style Guide.
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