Did you have one group you identified with (ex: you played soccer and most of your friends were the people from your soccer team), or did you bounce around to different groups?

Reflection Discussion Purpose: By sharing personal stories about a specific age range, students will remember what it was like growing up during that time, and work to bring out commonalities, cultural differences, and themes of development. This reflection may also be useful in helping you brainstorm for the Autobiography assignment.
Directions: In a paragraph, tell us a little about your Adolescence. Adolescence is from 12 through 18 to 21 years old. Consider the following
How would you describe yourself as a teenager?
Did you have one group you identified with (ex: you played soccer and most of your friends were the people from your soccer team), or did you bounce around to different groups?
What did you want to be “when you grow up?” Did this change a lot or did you have a clear idea of what you wanted your career to be?
Did you ever feel peer pressure?
How much did you want to “fit in?”
Did you ever question what you wore or how you looked?

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