Differentiating Instruction Through Games” https://www.edutopia.org/video/differentiating-instruction-through-interactive-games-tech2learn-series

Differentiated Instruction
Watch the following videos, take notes, and then thoroughly answer the questions below:
“Differentiating Instruction” (Education Week) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7-D3gi2lL8
What is Differentiation”https://www.edutopia.org/video/education-buzzwords-defined-what-differentiation
“Differentiating Instruction Through Games” https://www.edutopia.org/video/differentiating-instruction-through-interactive-games-tech2learn-series
“Flexible Classrooms”. https://www.edutopia.org/video/flexible-classrooms-making
“Differentiating Instruction Station Rotation” https://www.edutopia.org/video/station-rotation-differentiating-instruction-reach-all-students
1. Describe what you learned from three of the resources in three sentences or more for each resource. Make sure all sentences are meaningful and contain information and informed perspective. Vague sentences will not earn points. Use headings or video titles to show you are addressing each resource. (9 points)
2. Support what you are saying in your post with a quote or paraphrase from either the textbook or slideshow chapters. If quoting from the textbook, your support should look like this: “Supporting quote from textbook” (Slavin, 2022, p. 61). If you are using one of the chapter powerpoints for support, your support should look like this: “Supporting quote from the powerpoint” (Slavin, 2022, slide 6). (3 points)

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