Discuss. At some point define “mockery” as per QC OED.

Both Aristophanes (“Lysistrata”) and Machiavelli (The Mandrake) have been widely condemned as misogynistic. Comparing and contrasting Lysistrata with Sostrata, explain in what way these female characters represent their authors’ misogynistic view of women. Discuss. At some point define “mockery” as per QC OED.
source: https:// www.jstor.org/stable/45018086
https:// www.jstor.org/stable/4140069
( choose the best source that matches with the topic and use the other source only and only related to the topic)
must follow :
1. Make sure your paper has a Title Page, on which you will include the title of your paper, your name, the professor’s name, the topic number, and the due date of the paper.
2. Be sure to include the title of the book you’re analyzing, in the title of your paper. EXAMPLE: “The nature of desire in Apuleius’ The Golden Ass”
3. Do not add additional space between paragraphs: simply double space like the text within the paragraphs.
4. Acknowledge your sources, both primary and secondary, in parentheses.
5. Integrate textual evidence into the body of your essay, including line/pg number
6. Quotes: no more than three lines long.
7. Make sure each paragraph has a topic sentence and that there are effective transitions between paragraphs.
8. Avoid comma splices or putting a period between sentences that are not complete. Use semi-colons or rewrite sentences with conjunctions. Example of comma splice: Desdemona can be seen as a feminist heroine, she defies patriarchal norms by eloping with a Moor.
Rewritten: Desdemona can be seen as a feminist heroine because she defies patriarchal norms by eloping with a Moor.
9. Number each page at the top right-hand margin.
10. Italicize book titles. Use quotation marks “…” for chapters or articles in books.
11. Be sure to use the present tense when you discuss literary works.
12. Define your terms (ridiculous, mockery, irrational, etc.) through QC OED (online library), and through what the critics and philosophers in this course reading list –mainly Aristotle, Masahiro Kitano, and others, say about them.
13. A paper needs to have an Introduction with Thesis, several pages of development and a Conclusion. See my posts on Blackboard on how to write an Introduction/Thesis, a Conclusion, etc.
15. Make sure to analyze your quotes and evidence, and to connect them to the overall theme of your paper.
16. Include a Bibliography page at the end of your paper.
17. Check the MLA for formatting and style guide in writing.
18. This paper expects you to read, and quote from, at least two articles from the list of articles posted in the folder for the literary work you’re working on. It goes without saying, you should choose only those articles that you find most useful for your paper.
19. CLAIMS: whenever you make a claim about, say, a quote, a character, a metaphor, an idea, or anything in the literary work you’re writing about, you are required to support that claim with specific evidence from that lit. work.
20. REMEMBER: all evidence (or examples) is in support of your argument needs to be discussed. While discussing it make sure to show the reader how it connects to your central thesis. Evidence without discussion is worthless.
21. Use Times New Roman 12. One-inch margin all around (not two or three inch-margins). The Title page (containing your paper’s Title, your name, Prof.’s name, topic #, as well as date) should be a separate page. Number all pages, except the title page and your Works Cited page. On your Work Cited page list in alphabetical order, all books and articles (or internet sources) you have consulted in order to write your papers.

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