Discuss market characteristics, business practices, social norms, and other factors and characteristics, such as: What legal or political barriers need to be considered?

In this module, you will complete your country research and report the country profile to evaluate and assess the market that your company chose to enter.
Country Profile: To provide your reasoning behind the proposal of an existing brand or retailers’ store opening, you must expertly study this country based on the concepts and methods covered in this course.
Rationale and Justification: Explain in a few paragraphs to justify why this market (country) will be a good potential market for the selected brand.

Country Overview: Economic/Political/Legal/Technology/Environment/Social/Cultural Background
This section should be an in-depth research and analysis of the target country’s current political and economic structure, economic conditions/infrastructure, geographic location, climate and natural environment, market conditions, technology development and adaptation, environmental awareness, socio-demographic background, and culture in order to assess current market conditions and market potential.
These are all important issues that will impact your brand launch in the market. Do not limit your research to quantitative data. Discuss market characteristics, business practices, social norms, and other factors and characteristics, such as:

What legal or political barriers need to be considered?
What infrastructure issues need to be considered?
What are the major industries the country is built upon?
What is the composition of the labor force and what are the demographic breakdowns and trends?
Country Evaluation: Based on your research, explain why this market has the potential for your company’s growth.
To get full credit, cite sources properly using MLA citations.
My brand is ADER ERROR and the country that my brand is going is USA

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