discuss why the human service field is a much-

**********Textbook must be one of the references ***********
Introduction to Human Services Counseling, 4 edition, Michelle E. Martin
Part 1: Chapter one of the course textbook discusses what makes the human service field distinct from other fields, such as social work and counseling psychology. For the first part of your thread, discuss why the human service field is a much-
needed profession and share one or two possible careers (child victim advocate and corporate crisis manager) that you might be interested in pursuing. Remember that therder 3904578 (Draft) – Saved
Human Service degree is designed to prepare individuals with the necessary skills to participate in agency-related activities
(community care, court, agency, etc.) and does not fulfill licensure requirements. Students planning to apply for state
licensure should contact their academic advisor for information on degree programs designed to fulfill state licensure
Part 2: Based on your study of the Learn materials for this Module: Week, what do you consider the most important
historical event in the history of the human services profession? Why? While you are sharing your opinion here, you must demonstrate informed opinion by supporting your points with references to the course textbook.
1. For each thread, students must demonstrate course-related
knowledge and support assertions
with at least 2 scholarly citations in APA format. Acceptable sources include the class textbook
and/or peer-reviewed articles from within the last five years.
2. Based on the
assignment instructions, some threads will require additional support such as
scripture references, reference to online sources, and/or reference to course
3. In each reply, students will extend
the discussion by analyzing and building upon classmates’ or instructor’s ideas.
Students will avoid repeating the same ideas across posts. Developing and
expanding the discussion is the goal.
Reply posts should demonstrate clear understanding of the content being

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