Discuss with regard to Arendt and Rousseau between how Hannah Arednt’s idea of freedom in her writing “What is Freedom?” versus Jean Jaques Rousseau’s idea of freedom in “The Social Contract”. Your principal task is to analyze the assigned texts and assess their strengths and weaknesses.

The Prompt is:”If Arendt is right about freedom, then Rousseau must be wrong.”
Discuss with regard to Arendt and Rousseau between how Hannah Arednt’s idea of freedom in her writing “What is Freedom?” versus Jean Jaques Rousseau’s idea of freedom in “The Social Contract”. Your principal task is to analyze the assigned texts and assess their strengths and weaknesses.

Be sure to have a clear thesis and to justify each element of your argument with reference to the texts in question. Focus on Political Theory and Freedom only. With regards to democracy, politics and quality of life for the people through freedom whether that is personal or within the political sphere.

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