discussing the research question, population, sample, type of data collected, research method, data analysis, results of study, conclusions, and YOUR evaluation of the study.

Critique of a single study: For this assignment, conduct a library search on your selected topic and based on your PICOT question. The (1) article should be current (within the past 5 years) and come from professional, peer-reviewed journals. You will critique the article in a 2-3 page written paper discussing the research question, population, sample, type of data collected, research method, data analysis, results of study, conclusions, and YOUR evaluation of the study.
What does the acronym
PICOT represent?
P—Population or participant of interest
I—Intervention needed for practice
C—Comparison of interventions to determine best
O—Outcomes needed for practice
T—Timing of study
The Case
As a new nursing researcher you would like to learn more
about the research process and identify credible resources. You decide to
examine the problem of medication adherence and the use of a medication
reconciliation process for patients who are newly diagnosed with hypertension.
Identify the PICO Question
P—patient with hypertension
I—implementing medication teaching
C—compare patient outcomes for patient who
receive teaching to those for a patient who does not
O—increased adherence leads to decrease in
blood pressure
The Case
You are a nurse who works in the Cardiac Care Unit (CCU).
You are concerned about patients who are readmitted to the unit with left-sided
heart failure. A task force is appointed and
you are in charge of developing a discharge teaching plan that will hopefully
prevent readmissions.
Identify the PICOT Question
P—Population or participants of interest in your
clinical setting
I—Intervention needed for practice
C—Comparisons of interventions to determine the best
intervention for your practice
O—Outcomes needed for practice and ways to measure
the outcomes in your practice
T—Timing of study
The Case
As a new nursing researcher you would like to learn more
about the research process and identify credible resources. You decide to
examine the problem of medication adherence and the use of a medication
reconciliation process for patients who are newly diagnosed with hypertension.
Identify the PICO Question
P—patient with hypertension
I—implementing medication teaching
C—compare patient outcomes for patient who
receive teaching to those for a patient who does not
O—increased adherence leads to decrease in
blood pressure
The Case
A local emergency room is undergoing an overhaul as a
result of recent changes related to staffing issues. The nurses in the unit
feel that they have a solution and decide to present their idea to upper
management at the next staff meeting. They believe that having a dedicated
section for fast track will help alleviate the need for more staff.
Identify the PICO Question
P—emergency room patients and staff
I—developing a designated fast track
C—compare patient outcomes from fast track EDs to
those that do not. Also, compare staffing for each.
O—less wait times in ED, adequate nursing staff,
better patient outcomes
The Case
You are a nurse working on the pediatric oncology unit. One
of your patients is about to undergo bone marrow transplant (BMT) for the
treatment of leukemia. You are new to the unit and would like to educate
yourself on the needs of patients undergoing BMT.
Identify the PICOT Question
P—opulation or participants of interest in your
clinical setting
I—Intervention needed for practice
C—Comparisons of interventions to determine the best
intervention for your practice
O—Outcomes needed for practice and ways to measure
the outcomes in your practice
T—Time of study
The Case
As the nurse manager working in a pediatric emergency room
you work to improve the quality of care for the patients and families who are
served in the department. You attend a talk given by a mother who lost her
daughter as a result of improper breakdowns in communication. You would like to
implement a policy in your department to be sure this breakdown does not occur
in your health system.
This is the story of Josie King:
This is the video of the lecture that you attended:
King, S. (2001). The Josie King Story. Quality and Safety
Education in Nursing. Retrieved from:
Searching for Evidence
˜ What
components will be included in the literature review?
Identify the PICOT question
P—patients in a pediatric emergency
I—implementing code HELP
C—compare existing communication policy
O—increased communication and patient
T—Timing of study
The Case: Selecting a
Sample Size
You are a holistic nurse who is working with an
interprofessional team consisting of a physician and psychologist.
The team received IRB approval for a pilot study on an
intervention known as Heart Assisted Therapy® (HAT®)-SR.
HAT-SR was created by the team psychologist and is being investigated with the
geriatric population as a self-regulation technique to increase physical and
psychological well-being.
Here is the website: http://www.heartassistedtherapy.net/Home.html
Case Study: PICOT
You design this PICOT question prior to the approval
phase of the study:
P—Geriatric patients in a residential retirement
I—Heart Assisted Therapy-SR
C—Health effects of HAT-SR vs. placebo
O—Improved health effects for HAT-SR
T—6-week studies
The Case
A local emergency room is undergoing an overhaul as a
result of recent changes related to staffing issues. The nurses in the unit
feel that they have a solution and decide to present their idea to upper
management at the next staff meeting. They believe that having a dedicated
section for fast track will help alleviate the need for more staff.
Identify the PICO Question
P—emergency room patients and staff
I—developing a designated fast track
C—compare patient outcomes from fast track EDs to
those that do not. Also, compare staffing for each.
O—less wait times in ED, adequate nursing staff,
better patient outcomes.

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