Discussion 11 In your opinion, what is the greatest technological invention of t

Discussion 11
In your opinion, what is the greatest technological invention of the last 100 years? Why?
Share with the class some of your experiences—both positive and negative—with electronic media.
Note: The age of automation has given us much flexibility in data management. How we utilize this additional information is critical to the success of our business enterprise. We receive, store, manipulate, and transmit data on a continual basis. Sometimes mistakes and/or errors occur. This question allows you to identify those instances when things were both good and bad.
Please take note that this is a wide open question and you need to address it from either a personal or a business perspective. Historically, we think of personal gadgets we might be using; however, when we step back and view the world as a whole, many technological changes have occurred. Your response here will be most interesting as all our technology has served to enhance our lifestyles.
Discussion 12
Researchers have identified three important types of control systems adapted by various organizations namely the Bureaucratic Control, Market Control, and Clan Control. Discuss the pros and cons of Bureaucratic controls such as rules, procedures, and close supervision?
Determine how effective is either Clan Control or Market Control as a control mechanism? Examine with illustrations and examples their possible strengths and limitations? When should a manager rely primarily on either Clan control or Market control?
Note: The choice of effective control systems depends on numerous factors including organizational size, industry genre, and the type of organizational structure being organic or mechanistic. It is the obligation of the manager to choice the right control system to create value in the organizations.

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