Discussion | Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Discussion | Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Discussion | Disruptive Technology
24 points
Learning Objectives
· Understand the business concept of disruption.
· Describe business environments that allow the opportunity for technology disruption
Every week you will be asked to reflect and respond in a Discussion Board forum. Your contribution to the topic should be clear, complete, and accurate. This assignment also requires that you read the discussions posted by your classmates and share substantial feedback to at least one peer. Substantial feedback shares detailed insight and expands on the discussion topic.
You are required to meet the following guidelines.
· Develop a detailed response using APA format (in-text citation, reference list) and utilizing at least one credible resource in addition to the assigned resource. This means you are required to conduct additional research and include at least two references total.
· Post your initial response before Friday, by 11:59pm
· Post substantial feedback to a classmates post before Sunday, by 11:59pm
After completing the assigned readings (Linkedin Article: Impact of Disruptive Technology in Business) answer the following discussion questions.
1. Define disruptive technology and discuss two ways that it can affect a business environment.
2. According to Case Study 1, how was the UR5 beneficial to SFEG
3. What is the current average robotic density in the US and how does it compare to the rate shared in Case Study 1? Discuss this data trend and your predictions on how it will affect the future of the business workforce.
The original post OF AT LEAST 150 WORDS is due by tomorrow.  Responses OF AT LEAST 100 WORDS EACH to two classmates are also required and due by Sunday at  midnight.  Users must post in order to see classmates’ replies to this discussion.

Instructional Materials to Use to complete the assignment
Linkedin Article
(FYI: There are several grammar and spelling errors in this article.)

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