Download the Personal Development Game Plan Worksheet and save it to your computer.

Step 1: Download the Personal Development Game Plan Worksheet and save it to your computer.
Step 2: Follow the directions on the worksheet to complete your Personal Development Game Plan.
Step 3: Save your assignment as FirstInitial_LastName_JGR100_A4.
Step 4: Submit your assignment using the Week 10 assignment link in Blackboard.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Course Connections
While completing this assignment, be sure to connect your responses to the course content you’ve learned so far. You should use specific phrases, ideas, and quotes from the Strayer videos, Coach’s Huddle, weekly readings, and/or discussion questions to explain and support your thoughts.

Wait! Before you submit your assignment, did you…
❏ Review the scoring? The scoring guide will give you a clear understanding of the assignment expectations. If you are unclear on what is expected of you, please reach out to your instructor for support.
❏ Check your assignment for grammatical errors?

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