effects of the change on the company’s shareholders, employees, and customers, as well as on society and the environment.

Consider a real business or non-profit organization that has responded to external change well during the past five years or less. The organization and change that you consider in this assignment must be small enough that you can do an adequate job on the assignment. Do not choose an organization or company that is too large for you to examine critically in this short assignment.
Research how and why the change was made. Cite and reference at least four sources plus the course textbook.

In your paper,
Contextualize the organizational change you have selected within one of the change models described in the course text. This means consider the time and place of the organization, as well as economic, technological, geopolitical, sociocultural, environmental and other macro forces influencing the change.

Explain the rationale for choosing the model you have selected over the other models in Chapters 1 and 3 or other parts of the course text (one or two sentences per model only), and
Make sure you consider the effects of the change on the company’s shareholders, employees, and customers, as well as on society and the environment.

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