Evidence and citations

Clearly developed thesis statement that takes a position about the similarities and differences between the two closed research theme readings
An introductory paragraph that attempts to gain the interest of reader, introduces the closed research theme readings, and presents the thesis statement
Body paragraphs that compare and analyze key similarities and differences between the closed research theme readings (For this half draft, include as much of your analysis as you can develop within the word count restrictions.)
Well-reasoned analysis based on relevant and complex comparisons, illustrated and supported with evidence from the closed research theme readings
In-text citations of “They Say” summaries and quotations of the closed research theme readings and other sources you might use
APA or MLA style formatting, as specified by your instructor, with a References (APA) or Works Cited (MLA) page
Observation of the conventions of Standard Written English
Evidence and Citations
Attempts effective application of “They Say” moves to incorporate paraphrases and quotations from closed research theme reading (and other sources, if used); paraphrases and quotations of sources are correctly cited MLA style or APA style (as specified by instructor) is 10 points
Develops body paragraphs that begin to compare and analyze similarities and differences between closed research theme readings
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction
Introductory paragraph attempts to gain interest of readers and introduces your closed research theme readings. 5 points
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis
Attempts a thesis statement that takes a position about the similarities and differences between the two closed research theme readings
5 pts

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