Evidence-based practice (EBP)

Assignment Content
Evidence-based practice (EBP) is vital to patient safety and health care quality. Nurses in leadership roles are essential to the organization’s ability to implement and sustain EBP.
Develop a 900- to 1,050-word strategic plan to make a specific EBP change in your future role. For example, the EBP for hand washing as compared to the use of hand sanitizers.
Include the following in your strategic plan:
The EBP change that you would implement in your future role
The EBP model that you would use and the rationale for using that EBP model
Leadership competencies that would be needed and why
Resources that would be needed
Interprofessional collaboration that would be needed
A communication strategy that you would use
Strategies to sustain the EBP change
How you would evaluate the practice change to determine whether it was successful
Include a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed scholarly references from the University Library.
Cite your sources and format your paper according to APA 7th edition guidelines.
1. Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Change to Be Implemented
10% of total grade
2. EBP Model Rationale
10% of total grade
3. Leadership Competencies
10% of total grade
4. Resources
10% of total grade
5. Interprofessional Collaboration
15% of total grade
6. Communication Strategy
15% of total grade
7. Strategies to Sustain Change
15% of total grade
8. Evaluating the Practice Change
10% of total grade
9. APA Guidelines
3% of total grade
10. Syntax and Semantics
2% of total grade

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