Examine culturally sustaining practices that could support necessary improvements.

Within a relevant, organizational setting of your choice, identify a need within an organization to generate improvement recommendations aligned to agreed-upon guiding principles. These principles are targeted to enhance and sustain cultural conditions and practices, maintain momentum, and meet pre-determined benchmarks or deliverables.

Format this assignment as a white paper. A white paper argues a specific position or proposes a solution to a problem. Today, white papers are a means by which organizations share solutions and information in an effort to showcase how the organization is in a unique position to serve the needs of its customers. Feel free to use the same organization selected in Week 4. Be sure to include the following:
Explain areas in need of improvement for organizational capacity. Provide examples to support your findings.
Examine culturally sustaining practices that could support necessary improvements.
Provide recommendations to organizational leaders that will advance organizational capacity while supporting the overall culture.
Length: 4-6 pages, not including title and reference pages

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