Examine the company’s largest asset and explain how it has changed over the last three years and what could an investor gather from this information?

Claire’s Inc.
Use public information sources to find your company’s Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Statement of Cash Flows.
Report on the overall profitability and how it has changed over the last three years.
Examine the company’s largest asset and explain how it has changed over the last three years and what could an investor gather from this information?
Examine their largest liability and explain the same for the last three years (how has it changed and what does this information show).
For cash flows, examine the company’s operating activities, what generated the most cash flow from their latest financials, whether their investing and financing activities have produced cash flow or used cash flow, and by what activity; for Operating Activities, it is not Net Income, you need to discuss other activity in that section.
Incorporate information about the company’s profitability and viability (on-going nature).
Remember, when examining a company’s financial statements, if their most recent YTD financials are June 2019, then compare these financials with June 2018 and June 2017 (complete year-to-year comparisons need to be made).

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