Examine the weekly media prompt and corresponding question(s), and provide a response using a minimum of 250 words.

)Assignment Overview: The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with an opportunity to interact with their colleagues to discuss class material for the week.
Requirements: There are two parts to this assignment. The first is a 250-word response (Media Analysis), the second part is where you interact with other course participants (Discussion). See below for further details.
Media Analysis: Examine the weekly media prompt and corresponding question(s), and provide a response using a minimum of 250 words. You are encouraged to take a position on the issue and to support it with deductive reasoning, logic and reference to the readings or links to outside online research. Your topic response should be well written, insightful and free from grammatical errors (college level writing).
Discussion: The discussion part of the assignment provides an opportunity for student interaction and the exchange of ideas. Please respond to posts from at least two different students, for a total of three student responses. In other words, do not focus on just one student’s responses. Each post must be substantive: Do not simply agree with someone else’s position but rather expand on, challenge, or question the perspective.
When to Post: Please make your initial post (Media Analysis) by Friday at 11:59pm PST. The discussion portion will take place on Friday through Sunday after all initial posts have been made, due Sunday at 11:59pm PST.
Netiquette: Please be respectful to other members of the class. The goal is to have an open discussion without insulting one another; disagreeing is healthy, but please do so in a respectful manner.
1 Media Analysis + 3 discussion posts = 4 posts weekly required to earn maximum points for Media Analysis/Discussion
Media Analysis Instructions:
Step #1 – Watch the short TedX Talk video on the digital divide:

Step # 2 – Read this article from The Atlantic, “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?”
Also, watch this video titled: Smart Phones, Dumb People:

Step #3 – Select and answer 2 of the following questions below. Please write in narrative form and don’t just treat them as individual questions, but as a part of a overall theme with each question being one point to support your views and reflecting back to the videos, addressing connections between the material and questions. Consider the digital divide and how Smart Phones are increasing Internet access to the negative side of Smart Phones. Is there a balance between the advantages and disadvantages of this technology?
Will the digital divide narrow or grow in the next 10 years and how it will happen?
How do you feel about municipal Wi-Fi (go to this link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muncipal_wireless_network)
Do you think smartphones are helping to close the digital divide?
Are we becoming a society of smart phones, dumb people? Or is technology providing us amazing advances to the way we can communicate, such as taking this course online? Or both?
To answer this particular question, click the link above. Once you are in the forum, click the “Create Thread” button to view the question again, as well as, create and submit your answer.

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