explain how the data will provide evidence for the internal and/or external measures being used for accountability.

As an accountable instructional leader, you will design a data collection and analysis plan for the outcomes of the strategy or model. Your plan will explain explicitly what data will be collected and how they will be collected and analyzed. You also will explain how the data will provide evidence for the internal and/or external measures being used for accountability.
Create a 4 to 6-page paper (not including the title and references pages) in a Word document for your response.
Use APA format for the paper, title page, references page, and in-text citations.
Create a title page and references page in APA format.
Develop an introduction and conclusion for your paper.
Follow the steps to complete the assignment.
Step 1. Introduce
Introduce the data collection plan by describing the improvement area and data-supported need, the learning objectives, and the internal and/or external measures being used for accountability.
Step 2. Develop
Develop a data collection plan aligned to the learning outcomes (Module 3) and the internal and/or external accountability measures. You may choose the format for your plan.
Step 3. Describe
Describe explicitly what data will be collected, how it will be collected, and how it will be analyzed. Include three sources of data. For example, you might use a survey, focus groups, and interviews. Write a paragraph about each source.
Step 4. Conclude
Conclude the paper by answering this question: How will the data collection plan support the learning outcomes and the internal and/or external measures being used for accountability?

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