explain the issue being discussed and show that you have thoroughly researched the science behind it or possible solutions being proposed.

Every day, there are news stories published on a variety of topics related to environmental science. Select an article from a newspaper or news website that pertains to either this week’s topic or another topic covered so far in class. Summarize the article, then write your reaction to and critical analysis of the article. Be sure to explain the issue being discussed and show that you have thoroughly researched the science behind it or possible solutions being proposed. Your essay should reflect your thoughts and opinions as well as factual information. To summarize, the requirements of this assignment are:
Find a news article related to one of the following topics, biodiversity, evolution, ecology. Summarize the article and discuss the issue, e.g., what you found most interesting or surprising.
Citing at least two additional sources, critically analyze and fact check the article against other reliable sources, e.g., other news articles, primary research articles, and/or the websites of scientific organizations (NASA, WWF, NOAA, etc.) No less than 600 words. Cite all references including the original article appropriately using MLA or APA format. Appropriate formatting, spelling, and grammar are also taken into consideration.

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