Explain what criteria the Court uses to determine when the statute of limitations should be tolled or temporarily suspended?

Each response should be a 1/2 to pages response.
1. Explain some of the reasons for the decline in death sentences and executions. Please do not just list. Explain the reasoning/rationale behind the decline for each. 3. Jurors play an important role in capital proceedings. What are some ways to ensure that capital juries are fair and impartial during the trial and sentencing? Is there any way to eliminate or reduce possible racial bias in jury decision making?

7. Capital juries must decide whether a defendant’s conduct represents a future danger to society before imposing a death sentence. Explain what this is and the different ways this can be determined.
9. Explain what criteria the Court uses to determine when the statute of limitations should be tolled or temporarily suspended?
10. Do you think that the death penalty should be used towards people who commit less severe crimes for instance, rape, kidnapping, and aggravated robbery? Explain. What is the legal basis for your argument?

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