Explain why demographic data is essential and answer the question, “who are we?”

Discussion Question Posting Chapter 3 & 4
1. Academic Summary of Handbook Chapter 3 & 4
2. “Comprehensive data analyses focused on the continuous improvement of the entire learning organization will result in continuous improvement plans to improve learning for all students. Explain why demographic data is essential and answer the question, “who are we?” Does your current worksite need to address a change in student demographic through leadership teams? Explain if yes or no.
3. View the 5-minute video below and answer the following questions:
https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/changing-student-demographics (Links to an external site.)
Why did the school’s leadership team structure and focus need to change?
What kinds of work do the leadership teams undertake?
How are leadership teams evolving to support instructional improvement at the school?

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