explaining how they could be applied to optimize the pilots’ performance

Having conducted a job analysis for commercial pilots and examined their training and development needs, you now need to examine other factors that may affect their ability to perform optimally. This week, you will look at employee performance as it relates to the CRM case study. You will examine factors such as counterproductive behavior and other job stressors that may affect employee performance.

Imagine you are an I/O psychologist consultant.
Create a 10- to 15-slide presentation, with speaker notes, on your recommendations for enhancing employee performance for the pilots. Include the following:
At least 2 motivational theories, explaining how they could be applied to optimize the pilots’ performance
The role of occupational stress and job satisfaction as it relates to the pilots’ performance
Specific examples of counterproductive behavior and the effects these may have on the work environment
Why employee well-being would be a crucial factor in ensuring a productive work environment Makes sure it’s in apa and cited correctly free of plagiarism we have a checker my instructor will know if the paper has been plagerized. Also only completed the last 2 bullets points which are as follows: Specific examples of counterproductive behavior and the effects these may have on the work environment
Why employee well-being would be a crucial factor in ensuring a productive work environment . This is a group assignment so. I only have to create 4 slides for my portion only.

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