find 3 excellent restaurants that serve local food close to your top accommodation choice. For each restaurant – the name?

Part 1 – 5%
Using the city you have been assigned complete these tasks.
A) Please find 3 excellent restaurants that serve local food close to your top accommodation choice.
For each restaurant – the name?  where is it located? how far from your hotel? some menu items? the ambience?  prices?
Part 2 – 15%
Create your Tour
Reminder – For TWD you already selected some appropriate attractions, accommodation and day tours.  Now you will put this information together plus into a tour.
Day 1 – Arrival at Hotel (use your top accommodation choice) and Welcome Dinner (local food close to accommodation)
Day 2 – City Tour (either half day or full day depending on your city)
Day 3 – Experience in and around your city (choose activities for your group in your city)
Day 4 – Day Trip outside the city (10 – 14 hours)
Day 5 – Experience in and around your city
Day 6 – Day Trip outside the city (10 – 14 hours)
Day 7 – High impact activity and Farewell Dinner
Day 8 – Check out of hotel
Please provide details of each day in order.
You are responsible to account for Day 1 from 3PM to 8PM and Days 2 to 7 from 8AM to 8PM
Do a proposed costing of your tour (a practice costing activity will be in Week 12)
Grading will be based on organization of each day, neatness, choosing appropriate activities for your tour group.

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