For these dropbox reading response questions, please attach your .pdf file in th

For these dropbox reading response questions, please attach your .pdf file in the submission box.
–Using your text as the source, answer each of the following questions in a minimum of 4-6 sentences. Be sure to cite the pages from the text where you find your answer. Each question counts as a percentage of the assignment. If you fail to complete a question, then that percentage will automatically be deducted from the grade.
–Please see the rubric for how these will be graded.
Be sure to cite the page numbers from the text, and other resources to indicate where you found the material.
1. How and why did monotheism develop in the Hebrew kingdoms? What were the main ideas of Zoroastrianism? In what ways might Judaism have been influenced by Zoroastrianism?
2. Compare and contrast the Hebrews with their neighboring civilizations in the ancient near east.
3. Discuss how power and conquest was shown and achieved in the Neo-Assyrian and the Persian Empires?

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