For this peer review , you are to read two peers’ papers. To begin, you must upl

For this peer review , you are to read two peers’ papers. To begin, you must upload your rough draft to your original post (save and upload the files as YourLastName_Rough.doc). In that original post, identify your main topic and summarize your argument, including your audience and purpose.
Next, identify two areas or ideas that you would like feedback on. Then you’ll select two peers’ essays to review. Stake your claim with a simple response post that says, “I’ll review this paper.” If a post has two people reviewing the paper already, move on and find another that doesn’t. It’s essential that we spread reviews around so everyone gets feedback.
Stake your claim as early as possible. Do not wait until Sunday to do so! Getting in there early will help us all stay organized.
To review your first essay, you must first download the file and save on your hard drive by adding Peer Review_Writer’sLastName_Rough). Take the time to read it through carefully; after the first read, consider what global feedback you’d like to offer the writer. Once you’ve read through a second time, you’ll get to work reviewing. Please offer at least ten substantive comments within the body of the essay you are reviewing (for example, in Microsoft Word, you’d go to Insert> New Comment). You might use these questions to guide your comments:
If this was my paper, what would I change about the hook and why?
If this was my paper, would I make the claim clearer and why?
If this was my paper, would I provide any more definitions or context in the introduction, and why?
If this was my paper, would I revise any of my transitions in the body paragraph, and why?
If this was my paper, would I expand my conclusion and why?
At the end of the essay, draft a brief paragraph that highlights the strengths of the essay as well as the two areas of concern the author noted. Upload the reviewed document in response to the original post and move on to a second essay.
Post your initial response to the discussion question no later than Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT. You will not be able to see any of your classmates’ posts until you have posted your initial response.
If you are posting your initial response, click the Start a New Thread button.
If you are responding, click the Reply to Thread button for the thread you wish to respond to.
Respond to at least two of your classmates no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT.

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