If possible would like to have analysis completed for Gilead Sciences.
Here are the details:
The first section
of this project report
should be an executive summary. The second section should be an analysis of
macroeconomic trends and a discussion of the impact of these trends on
the industry being researched. The third
section should be an industry analysis. This should
be a discussion of the future for the selected industry. The analysis should include a comprehensive overview of an industry,
the recent developments and their implications, detailed profile of the
major players with a focus on one
company within the selected industry, competitive pressures
in that industry, global competition, etc. Students
are advised to divide this section into several sub-sections. The next section will
be both a quantitative as well as qualitative analysis of three firms
from the selected industry. The last section will
be the conclusion (investment recommendation) followed by references
as well as tables and graphs.
1. Cover Page: 5 points
2. Table of Contents: 5 points
3. Statement of Academic Integrity: 5 points
4. 3. Executive Summary: 5 points
5. Macroeconomic Analysis: 10 points
6. Industry Analysis: 10 points
7. Quantitative Analysis:
A. Comprehensive Ratio Analysis: 15 points
B. Z-Score analysis: 5 points
8. Qualitative Analysis:
A. Company History: 5 points
B. SWOT analysis: 5 points
C. Discussion of Business Strategy: 5 points
D. Management Evaluation: 5 points
9. Investment Recommendation: 10 points
(About the industry as well as the companies researched)
10. References: 5 points
11. Overall Report Structure, line spacing, and appearance:
5 points
12. Total points: 100.

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