Genograms map out all of a family’s makeup, as detailed by the ip and whoever the ip consults, which i believe can be somewhat biased in regards to individuals’ relationships and noted patterns.

Important Points
Genograms are modern versions of family trees containing detailed information on and of the individuals and relationships with the individuals listed. By using genograms, patterns can be mapped out and uncovered, leading to a better understanding of the index person’s (IP) family and how to best help the IP cope, understand, and work through their presenting problems.
“Family is, by our definition, those who are tied together through their common biological, legal, cultural, and emotional history, and by their implied future together” (McGoldrick, Gerson, and Petry, 3).
Genograms allow clinicians, who are at first strangers to the IP, to get great insight into the individual’s intimate and personal family life in a way that would not have been done through an initial meeting or conversation.
Genograms can be edited at any and all times.
“What happens in one generation will often repeat itself in the next; that is, the same issues tend to be played out from generation to generation” (McGoldrick et al., 7).
It is unknown precisely who developed the first genogram, but Dr. Murray Bowen can be credited for fostering its widespread use. However, it should be noted that genograms are called different names by others, and the symbols used in said differentiating genograms have differing symbols, often causing controversy or confusion between genogram users.
Critical Reflection
Upon reading chapters one and two, McGoldrick, Gerson, and Petry (2020) presented basic but significant information regarding what genograms are, why they are important, how to create a genogram, and more. I found the material very intriguing, as I have never seen a family’s complex makeup in this geographical representation or form. Genograms, as I have stated before, are modern versions of family trees containing detailed information on and about the individuals and relationships with those listed. Genograms map out all of a family’s makeup, as detailed by the IP and whoever the IP consults, which I believe can be somewhat biased in regards to individuals’ relationships and noted patterns. Yet, despite this, I agree with the general idea that genograms ultimately serve the great purpose of helping the IP and their clinicians or counselors to better understand the IP’s family and how to best cope, understand, and work through the IP’s presenting problems.
Discussion Questions
How would someone who is adopted, without knowledge of their biological family’s background, create a genogram?
Although I understand the purpose of genograms and who can be included, as well as McGoldrick, Gerson, and Petry’s (2020) definition of family, given that an adopted individual is not biologically related to whichever family it has been adopted into, I question how would the adopted individual map out illnesses, generational hardships, and such?
Although genograms are used to help clinicians and the IP to track patterns, relationships, illnesses, hardships, and on, can the visual representation of the IP’s family have a negative effect on the IP, especially if they are, have been, or have cut off from their family?
Would you consider genograms to be biased? Why or why not?
(Genograms are created depending on the perspective and memory of the IP and whoever the IP consults, therefore, information can somewhat be skewed into a specific directions.)

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