Healthy People 2020 and Healthy People 2030 Initiatives

The areas of provision and reimbursement of health care services have each undergone considerable changes in the past several years, with the following current trends identified as being the most significant contributors to change:
Healthy People 2020 and Healthy People 2030 Initiatives
Bundled payment structure versus fee-for-service payment structure
Accountable care organizations (ACOs)
Technology and telemedicine
Medicare Advantage Plans
Population health management strategies
Using your employer/organization’s resources, appropriate websites, and the GCU Library as your informational foundation, research these trends and others you may find relevant, and write a 1,250- to 1,500-word essay in which you examine the following:
Which of the currently identified health care trends are already affecting your employer/organization, or an organization in your city/region in your health care field?
Which of the currently identified health care trends are specifically affecting your sector of allied health, and why?
What emerging health care trends on the horizon may affect your employer/organization and/or your specific allied health sector?
Which of the current or emerging trends do you see as most likely to positively influence your specific role and sector in allied health? Which trends are most likely to have a negative affect? (Examples: wages, job security, educational requirements, technology, etc.)
How will one of the reimbursement trends you identify affect safety, risk management, and/or quality improvement policies in your organization/and or an organization in your city/region in your health care field?
Provide a minimum of three scholarly resources from the readings or the GCU Library in order to complete this assignment successfully.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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