How are CREATIVITY and INNOVATION related ?

Book designer Chip Kidd knows all too well how often we judge things by first appearances. In this hilarious, fast-paced talk, he explains the two techniques designers use to communicate instantly — clarity and mystery — and when, why and how they work. He celebrates beautiful, useful pieces of design, skewers less successful work, and shares the thinking behind some of his own iconic book covers.

Daniel Goleman brought the notion of “EI” to prominence as an alternative to more traditional measures of IQ with his 1995 mega-best-seller Emotional Intelligence . Since the publication of that book, conferences and academic institutes have sprung up dedicated to the idea. EI is taught in public schools, and corporate leaders have adopted it as a new way of thinking about success and leadership. EI, and one’s “EIQ,” can be an explanation of why some “average” people are incredibly successful, while “geniuses” sometimes fail to live up to their promise.
What is Creativity ?
What is Innovation ?
How are CREATIVITY and INNOVATION related ?
What jobs require creativity ?
Why do organizations need creativity ?
Is creativity a strategic priority ?
Can creativity be trained ?
What is the best way to train people to be creative ?
What are the biggest barriers to creativity at work ?
How do you build a culture of creativity ?

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