How can access to this information enhance your clinical practice?

Respond to the discusion post below:
Original Prompt: After reviewing both websites on clinical guidelines listed in Topic 3 ( and )
discuss the following:
How can access to this information enhance your clinical practice?
Do you think these guidelines can improve quality of care?
” The two websites for this week’s discussion, the Institute for Clinical Systems Improvements (ICSI) and the National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC) are informative, evidence-based clinical guideline information. This information supports guideline and practices that are recommended for disease processes to provide the most up to date patient care (Brignardello-Peterson et al., 2021). Guidelines need to be correct, trustworthy, and understandable to better guide the providers with the most current, evidence-based, high-quality information to improve practices (Beauchemin et al., 2019).
Improving quality of care uses evidence-based research to transform healthcare practices. However, there are complex challenges to implementation of guidelines. Research has shown that 60% of care is consistent with evidence or consensus-based guidelines, 30% of care in ineffective and outdated, and 10% is considered harmful (Cassidy et al., 2021). With the tools in place to supply evidence-based quality improvements, these are overly concerning numbers. Finding the barriers faced by both providers and nurses must be considered a priority to achieve the high-quality health care every patient deserves.
Barriers to implementation are identified as personal factors including knowledge and attitude, guideline factors including evidence, complexity, accessibility, and applicability of the guidelines, and external factors including organizational constraints and lack of resources (Cassidy et al., 2021). Having the access to current guidelines from platforms such as the Institute for Clinical Systems Improvements (ICSI) and the National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC) ensures a healthcare system has access to the most researched and approved information. Clinical practice guidelines have a laborious systematic process prior to being published. The Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) collaboration has a well-established process of rating both the quality of the evidence and the strength of the recommendation (Beauchemin et al., 2019). This grading system allows for proposed guidelines to be dependable, precise, and sustainable to healthcare systems as a resource for quality implementation ease.
Beauchemin, M., Cohn, E., & Shelton, R. (2019). Implementation of clinical practice guidelines in the health care setting: A concept analysis. Advances in Nursing Science, 42(4), 307-324. Https://
Brignardello, R., Carrasco-Labra, A., & Guyatt, G. (2021). How to interpret and use a clinical practice guideline or recommendation: User’s guides to the medical literature. JAMA, 326(15), 1516-1523. Https://
Cassidy, C., Harrison, M., Godfrey, C., Nincic, V., Khan, P., Oakley, P., Ross-White, A., Grantmyre, H., & Graham, I. (2021). Use and effects of implementation strategies for practice guidelines in nursing: a systematic review. Implementation Science, 16(102). Https://
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