•How commercial already works? (800-1000 words)

•How commercial already works? (800-1000 words)
•How will cbcs will disrupt and change commercial banking. (1600 words)
•Case study of e-CNY (800 – 1000)
• Links to theory and the usage of figures/tables are strongly encouraged
• So is a good list of references/sources. All references must also be cited in the text, and consistently presented at the end of the essay in the reference list.
• The case study component should form the 3rd of 4th section of the essay (Introduction, Background and Literature (OR Arguments in Favour of…/Arguments against…, Case study, Concluding Remarks).
• Emphasize on academic references and major policy reports, and solid foundations on your arguments.
• Keep journalistic comments to zero and journalistic articles to a minimum.
• Present in clarity, following academic writing conventions, a clear structure and the appropriate citation/referencing format
• Critically evaluate both sides of the main argument, citing relevant academic literature
• Present a solid case study of an existing technological app
• Present a novel own idea of a technological solution, founded upon contextual realism, showing awareness of costs and business planning
• Illustrate in properly formatted figures and tables

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