How did women of color contribute to the actions and the political ideology of the second-wave feminist movement? Assignment

Assignment Instructions: In 3-4 typed pages answer the following question. You must use at least four in-class sources in your response.
Question: How did women of color contribute to the actions and the political ideology of the second-wave feminist movement? Assignment Guidelines: ****Must use 4 approved sources only****
The assignment must be typed and use 1.5 spacing (Times New Romans, 12 pt., 1-inch margins). In the top left-hand corner (not the header) of the first page, list in vertically descending order: your name, class title, date, and assignment title. You may use Chicago (author-date), MLA, or APA-style citations for this paper. Note that you must correctly cite sources in the text of the document and in the bibliography.
Your paper should be 3-4 pages. The page requirement does NOT include any title or reference/bibliography pages.

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