• How do the gender values of turn-of-the-century Canadian society interact with the ideas of the professional historians and what are the consequences for women in history?

Module 2: Discussion Posting Instructions
Read through Module 2 (attached)
Write a 150-200 word discussion post which discusses one of the aspects of this new professional history in Canada between 1894 and 1920:
• How do the gender values of turn-of-the-century Canadian society interact with the ideas of the professional historians and what are the consequences for women in history?
Please note: – This assignment requires you to answer one discussion question and is only 150-200 words max (less than a page).
– I am paying in Canadian currency, this costs me more with the exchange rate.
– Please be fair and do the work. – Don’t accept the assignment if you are going to do a lazy job. I don’t want to have to prompt someone and re-state the instructions (this happens a lot).
– If there are spelling mistakes and sentences/paragraphs that don’t make sense, I will ask it to be fixed. Please review.
-Please no plagiarism. Paraphrase where necessary and put direct quotes in quotations.
-MLA-in text citations with page numbers

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