How might race and gender intersect in the case of women of color who are employed in temporary clerical positions?

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Gender Inequality
Sexual harassment is often problematic in temporary work where people are employed for a limited period of time to perform specific tasks such as secretarial or clerical work.
How does the low status of temporary workers relate to the problem of sexual harassment in the workplace?
Why does the transitory nature of such temporary work intensify the vulnerability of temporary clerical workers?
How might race and gender intersect in the case of women of color who are employed in temporary clerical positions?
Sexual Orientation
Why is sexual orientation often a master status for many members of the LGBTQIA+ community? Is this master status more closely associated with how people perceive themselves or how other people see them?
Will discrimination against members of the LGBTQIA+ community in relation to the U.S. military decrease in the future? Why or why not? How about victimization and hate crimes based on a person’s sexual orientation or identity?
How are issues of race, class, gender, and age intertwined with inequalities based on sexual orientation? Are affluent members of the LGBTQIA+ community more or less likely to be discriminated against than lower-income individuals? Why or why not?

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