how should the societies of the world transform to accommodate the emerging realities of the global situation.

a 1500 word essay college level
Utilizing information from our studies thus far (discussions and text book) and at least one peer-reviewed article from the scholarly journals write on only one of the following:
Using chapters 14-18 (possibly adding some from chapters 8 and 19) and utilizing the interrelated workings of our foundational theories of Functionalism, Conflict and Symbolic Interaction, explain the processes through which we socialize and re-socialize the people who populate our society. (1000-2000 words)
Using Chapters 17-20 (with some possible input from chapter 10), along with your developed sense of sociological reasoning, discuss the ways global population growth is leading to deep changes in the demographics, urbanization, economies (globalization), ecology, health, and governments of the world. Given that globalization is irreversible, how should the societies of the world transform to accommodate the emerging realities of the global situation. (1000-2000 words)

This paper should be on only one of the topic questions and should be 1000-2000 words in length. You are free to use either MLA of APA formatting. If you choose APA, you do not need an abstract.
While this essay needs to be build primarily using information from our text and discussions, you will also need to learn to use the peer reviewed journals (scholarly literature).
Finding the article from the scholarly journals:
Select one scholarly article that is related to your topic at (Links to an external site.) After you hit this link, go to databases then go to Pro Quest. At that point you will need to log in using your last name and student ID. Note: If you are granted an extension for the course, you must contact the library and ask that your access to the database be extended or you will lose access at or near your scheduled completion date.
Limit your search to full text, peer review, scholarly articles that have been published within the last four (4) years. Abstracts and materials from publications that are not peer reviewed may be included and even useful to your paper, but they will not count as the required article (once on the ProQuest page these options are pretty straight forward).
its due tomorrow at 11:59pm

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