how the dominant narrative in healthcare can place the responsibility of health concerns on those who have been overly “affected by systemic systems of oppression,” (09:08).

There is a power relationship present as the human service practioner on a patient’s care team. Gallardo (2022) gives an example of how the dominant narrative in healthcare can place the responsibility of health concerns on those who have been overly “affected by systemic systems of oppression,” (09:08). In doing so, we are moving away from patient-centric care and health equity (Quinn, et al., 2019).
Consider this power relationship and the effects of language as you work through definitions for this discussion. Address the following prompts in your initial post:
Identify and define two medical key terms and one financial key term that relate to the case study in the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document. Cite sources to support your definitions and choose different examples from your classmates.
a. These terms may be words or phrases you already used in your milestone assignments or words or phrases you have learned about through other activities or research in the class. b. Medical key terms include items that relate to the patient’s illness, mental health, or medical services. Financial key terms relate to costs or financial needs associated with the patient’s care. Provide an alternative explanation of the word or phrase that you could use to help explain the term to someone new to the U.S. healthcare system. How can you be “reflective, effective, and professional with your use of power?” (Nimmon & Stenfors-Hayes, 2016, para. 4).
In your responses to peers, reflect on their alternative explanations. Who does the explanation serve? Who does it not serve? (Gallardo, 2022, 10:31). How might the explanation be altered or amended to elevate the patient’s agency?
Gallardo, M. (Academic). (2022). Anti-racism intersectionality and mental health care [Video]. SAGE Knowledge.
Nimmon, L., & Stenfors-Hayes, T. (2016). The “Handling” of power in the physician-patient encounter: perceptions from experienced physicians. BMC medical education, 16, 114.
Quinn, B. L.; El Ghaziri, M., & Knight, M. (2019). Incorporating social justice, community partnerships, and student engagement in community health nursing courses. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 14(3), 183-185.
SNHU. (2022 March 11). Key Terms Defined. SNHU Shapiro Library.

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