How to Analyze Novels & Short Stories, How to Analyze Poetry, or How to Analyze Drama.

This discussion aims to reflect on the important characters, ideas, themes, and a Racial, Ethnic, and Cultural Identity critical lens.
Discussion Instructions
Reflect on the important characters, ideas, themes — basically anything from the Literary Terms, Elements of Fiction and Literature, How to Analyze Novels & Short Stories, How to Analyze Poetry, or How to Analyze Drama.
The assignment requires an initial post of 250 words.
work to create meaning for one of the readings by practicing being a Racial, Ethnic, and Cultural Identity criti
Discussion Questions
Create a discussion post where you do the following:
What important characters, ideas, themes, or literary techniques from this unit’s stories/poems might help you read like this type of critic?
What stories/poems from previous units might be interesting to read like this kind of critic?
Here’s a link to the short story than can be used.
Lorry Raja by Madhuri Vijay

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