how to document medication and how to ensure the six rights while giving the medication to the patient

The assignment relates to nursing pharmacology , more spceficly how to document medication and how to ensure the six rights while giving the medication to the patient
Requirements for this type of assignment
I need a writer who is familiar with nursing subjects and is familiar medication documentation
First ,i want you to look at the history and background of the patient , this information can be found under ”
N304 Safety Mini Sim Background and PreSim.docx’
Second 1- open the document “Safety Simulation Questions(1).docx” and view this link *DO NOT SHARE, answer the sheet of questions after you had viewed the video
First question : just list the errors without going much into detail , just mention what she did wrong in bullet points and explain a little bit why it’s wrong
There are two tables towards the end of the sheet , please follow the instructions of the question , fill the tables correctly

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