How would you explain your role and the intake process to Terrance?

Terrance is a 35-year-old, African American male who was self-referred to a community-based agency for assistance with housing and employment. Terrance recently lost his job 2 months ago and may be evicted from his apartment next month if he cannot pay his rent.
Using the readings and the vignette above, submit a one-page paper including the following:
•    How would you explain your role and the intake process to Terrance?
•    What specific questions would you want to ask Terrance to confirm his understanding of the intake process?
•    What information about confidentiality would you want to disclose to Terrance?
•    Please identify any cultural considerations.
The paper should be approx. one page and include high-quality writing. Please include a title page and double-check all spelling and grammar prior to submitting. Also, please make sure to cite all relevant information and include references as appropriate.

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