how you like the job, working environment, how was the things learned at school useful in this ippe community experience.

Reflect about your experience while working as a pharmacy intern for the entire month of May. Situations encountered, responsibilities, how you like the job, working environment, how was the things learned at school useful in this ippe community experience. Some responsibilities are:
-Accepting prescription from patient and collecting pertinent information for filling
-Interpretation of written prescription (e.g. identify required components, determine completeness, translate
sig codes, etc.) -Data entry of prescription -*Performing applicable calculations to process and prepare prescriptions (e.g. day supply, reconstitution, compounding, mg/kg dosing, etc.)
-Obtaining correct medication from stock (e.g. use of NDC numbers, generic substitution)
-Preparing and packaging prescriptions of various dosage forms (e.g. tablet/capsule, liquids, ophthalmic/otic,
inhalers, refrigerated, injectable, reconstitution required, etc.) for final verification, including selecting proper container, labeling, and auxiliary labels
-Gathering information from patient to respond to self-care consultation (e.g. use of QUEST/SCHOLAR-MAC

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