Identify a collaborative model not already discussed that could be utilized by healthcare and other industries to develop collaborative teams.

Leaders of collaborative models serve as facilitators of groups to ensure equal partnership with each other. All members of the team should contribute. In order for this to occur, though, the goals for the model should be communicated clearly. Group members need to be cognizant of the ongoing dynamics of this collaborative group. Models can be beneficial in streamlining these projects. The Prevention Institute’s Model for Collaboration outlines 8 steps for building a successful coalition. There are various public health organizations that have developed effective community campaigns incorporating these principles.
Identify a collaborative model not already discussed that could be utilized by healthcare and other industries to develop collaborative teams.
Provide an overview of the model and references.
Compare and contrast the model to the Prevention Institute’s Model for Collaboration.
Discuss the outcome and evaluative process of the model chosen.
All responses should be a minimum of 300 words, scholarly written, APA formatted, and referenced. A minimum of 2 references are required

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