identify a determinant/subdeterminant of focus (I chose Food Insecurity and Childhood Nutrition) to develop recommendations (recommendations are also below…) for intervention(s).

This is for my Master’s class in Public Health.
** Rubric is attached below. See “Part 1”.
** Template is attached below as well. Please use this template to format the paper.
Students will use data from their SDOH presentations (Included below..) and other course learnings to identify a determinant/subdeterminant of focus (I chose Food Insecurity and Childhood Nutrition) to develop recommendations (recommendations are also below…) for intervention(s).

Recommendations should demonstrate comprehension and application of the course content towards the development of an intervention(s) to improve quality of life and health outcomes for the selected community (San Diego County) through a focus on health equity. The memo should be drafted to the most relevant
decision maker(s) based on the focus of your recommendations. The following elements should be included:
1) An introduction which briefly describes your community of focus (e.g. race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, etc.). (YOU CAN FIND THIS INFORMATION IN THE SDOH PRESENTATION SLIDES ATTACHED BELOW. )
2) A brief descriiption of the relationship between the determinants of health and health outcomes associated with your community and how this information was used to select your determinant/subdeterminant of focus and inform your
3) A final recommendation(s) for action based on the evidence and how you anticipate your recommendation improving health equity. (RECOMMENDATIONS ARE ATTACHED BELOW)
4) A paragraph describing what you learned through this assignment
Submissions should be in the appropriate memo format (SEE TEMPLATE BELOW) and 2-3 single-spaced pages in length using MS Word or PDF format. Students should cite any references using APA format.
**I have attached the powerpoint (SDOH Presentation) of all my research below on San Diego County, which should be used to write this paper, as that is my community of focus. There, you can find all the statistical information and demographics that led to my decision on the recommendations being focused on childhood nutrition and food insecurity. You can use some of my commentary at the bottom of the slides as well to further the paper. You may use other sources as well.
I have also included my initial recommendations on another document below with a quick rationale that can be used and elaborated on for the recommendations section of this paper.
Please use the template that I have started below titled Shayna North Policy Memo 2022 Template to complete this assignment. The guidelines are on the template as well.

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