Identify an education-related research topic (i.e., the broad subject matter area to be investigated) of interest to you that may be used to develop a related problem statement.

Assignment Instuctions:
A. Identify an education-related research topic (i.e., the broad subject matter area to be investigated) of interest to you that may be used to develop a related problem statement.
1. Develop a problem statement that addresses the research topic.
Note: The research topic and research problem can come from Task 1, but you will need to ensure that your research topic and problem are appropriately narrow and specific (i.e., could be completed within one school year).
Note: You will need to review professional sources related to your research topic and research problem in order to complete parts B–F.
B. Develop a narrative literature review that logically flows from the broadly defined problem to more specific research questions, using fifteen sources that meet each of the following guidelines:
• contains relevant academic or professional literature related to the research topic
• is published by a scholarly source
• can be retrieved online
Note: The 15 sources may include the 10 sources annotated in Task 1. All 15 of your sources must be cited in your literature review.
C. Develop an overall purpose statement for your research, based on the research problem statement that communicates the intent or objectives of the research. The purpose statement should align with your two possible research questions.
D. Develop two open-ended research questions that adhere to the following guidelines: • appropriate for one of the major research approaches (i.e., quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, or action)
• researchable (i.e., you can collect and analyze data to answer it)
• directly addresses the research problem statement
• cannot be answered with simply a “yes” or “no” response
1. Justify which major research approach (i.e., quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, or action) you would recommend using to answer each research question.
E. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
F. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.
An annotated bibliography on the general topic of manipulatives in mathematics education has already been completed and would like some but not all resources to be included in the literature review. I was going to use 3 themes in the narrative.
*NO PAGE LENGTH OR WORD COUNT is set, the defined criteria just must be met. If the length I purchased will not be suffiecnt for the assignment, I WILL PURCHASE additional pages as needed.

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