Identify productivity measures that would make sense for each company (see Productivity Measurement slide) (50 Points)

Please read the attached set of slides for more detail. This assignment will replace meeting in-person on September 2, 2022. The assignment is worth at least 100 points, but you may earn more. OPER 3100 Study Guide WFH Assignment #1.1 Sept 2 2022.pdf Download OPER 3100 Study Guide WFH Assignment #1.1 Sept 2 2022.pdf
Pick three (3) public companies, preferably in the same industry.
Based on Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Quality
Identify productivity measures that would make sense for each company (see Productivity Measurement slide) (50 Points)
These can be simple ratios and do not need to include a calculation, but they must relate to efficiency, effectiveness, or quality…plus the strategy and objectives of the company.
Do NOT use the ones discussed in the study guides – Create your own, be creative!
Calculate the following productivity measures (you do not need to use the same company for all calculations) (50 Points)
Inventory Turnover (Inventory Turnover=(Cost of Goods Sold)/(Average Inventory Value))
Use two of the Partial Measures of Productivity (see slide) to calculate productivity
Can you make comparisons among the companies using these productivity measures? Is the data available?

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