Identify your anticipated nursing role. – Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP)

I need help with this SDLP in making it sound more eloquent. – Please see attached template that I have started to fill in.
Self-Directed Learning Plan (SDLP)
It’s important to develop your professional goals and how you achieve them in this course and your chosen program.

After exploring the course description, course outcomes, and unit themes and outcomes, complete your SDLP for your professional objectives and create a Skill Market pertinent to an opportunity with an employer.
What did you expect to learn in this course and what do you expect to learn in your program that will help you achieve your academic and professional goals? You are encouraged to reflect earnestly about how the course content and experience might serve your goals, as well as about what you might proactively do throughout your program to develop in your target areas.
If you have determined there are additional areas from which you would benefit, or areas you would like to replace, this is a good time to do so. Remember, this is your learning plan, so design it to help you achieve your unique goals.
Learning Plan

Identify your anticipated nursing role. – Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP)
List your professional goals (3–5 years from now).
Identify the Knowledge, Skills, and Accomplishments needed for the advanced nursing role that you have identified above. A minimum of three items should be listed for each of the Knowledge, Skills, and Accomplishments.
Discuss at least three Strengths to Leverage. Complete steps 1, 2, and 3 of the template for Strengths to Leverage.
Discuss at least one Area to Develop. Complete steps 1, 2, and 3 of the template for Areas to Develop.
Write a reflection that discusses what you learned in this course and expect to learn in your program that will help you achieve your academic and professional goals. Provide an evaluation of how your SDLP can provide for lifelong learning. The reflection should be a minimum of 300 words.
You must submit the SDLP Assignment using the SDLP Template. You should not submit a written paper for the SDLP Assignment. If you have references to support your SDLP then you should add a heading References at the end of the SDLP Template and add the references in APA format.

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