identifying your current social clock, describing your possible selves at this time, and identifying a couple of instances where you feel a sense of primary control and secondary control.

In this assignment you will write a 2-3 page paper in which you personalize the terminology related outlining your life story, identifying your current social clock, describing your possible selves at this time, and identifying a couple of instances where you feel a sense of primary control and secondary control.
Apply scenario and life-story creation to your own life experiences
Provide examples from personal life experiences (self, friends, family) of the concepts and themes of adult relationships
Identify the success factors and challenges of a wide range of family forms
In this assignment you review and integrate the life story concept to your own life. You will describe your current social clock and describe your possible “selves” during each time period. You will want to include instances where you felt a sense of primary control and secondary control.
Write a 2-3 page paper in which you do the following:
Outline your life story.
Identify your current social clock.
Describe your possible selves at this time.
Identify a couple of instances where you felt a sense of primary control and secondary control.
Provide illustrative examples from your personal life reflecting the concepts and themes of adult relationships.

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